Meet The Founder

What Drives Me

“I went through mid-life changes that altered my life in a way that I could never have imagined. For me, a new life of spiritual belief led me to a comfort and peace through worship that I could never have imagined. That directly took me to a wonderful wife and marriage, much success in the business, a life spent with my children and grandchildren, and the ability to enjoy spending time with friends and hobbies such as fishing and golf.

 It is my pleasure to be able to work with other individuals and businesses to be able to give back some of what has been shared with me, to share the knowledge that I have gained and to watch the personal relational and financial growth of these clients.”


Experience & Speaking Engagements

Rhett has spoken at small business events, church functions, and corporate meetings. 

If you are looking for someone to inspire your team and bring together leadership, let's connect.



Rhett grew up knowing what it was to work hard. He laughs that he retired from farming at the ripe age of 12 and moved into HVAC at his father’s company for after school, weekends and summers. Of course, there was still a part-time farming component as well. 

He has spent over 30 years self-employed with multiple businesses, most of which were around the contracting field. He has worked primarily in the HVAC industry on the contracting and wholesale side. 

The biggest challenge he faced was the same as he saw other entrepreneurs struggling with:  Leadership Skills and truly understanding Business Basics, Principles, and Financials, and reviewing your income tax return once a year is NOT understanding your financials. Being able to make sound business decisions based on current, reliable, and accurate financial information is what is required to not only survive but to THRIVE in business. 

Rhett has worked with many coaching organizations throughout his career and gives all of them credit for building his business knowledge through valuable insights and information and consistent accountability. When he started combining Business with Leadership Coaching, he saw things escalate and take off.

Today, he is certified to train others using the tools of his favorite organizations, including Becoming Your Best, Five Capitals, TTI Success Insights, and Ministry Insights. After a free consultation, he will sit with his clients and formulate a plan that is catered to the individual, the business or both the business side along with individual coaching of the team members from the front line to the CEOs.

He works with various industries, from Dance Studios to Construction Companies, Insurance Companies to HVAC and Plumbing contractors.

Top-notch, proven consulting & training



Book A Consultation

All services are individually tailored to the leaders and companies needs. We work with many other leadership and training organizations so that we can recommend or offer their services to ensure you are only investing your time on what will help you achieve those goals and dreams.

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